Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) was established in the year 2008. The Department offers B.E (ECE) Undergraduate program and with an intake of 120 students and The Department is affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Karnataka. The Department has VTU affiliated Research & Development Centre offering Ph.D. Programs. The Department is mentored by Dr. Y. Jayasimha, Dean Academics, Professor and, a renowned author of several Electronics and Communication Engineering books with an experience of more than 30 years. The Department is headed by Dr. Venkatesha M, who is having more than 12 years of academic experience.
The Department has Research & Development Centre which encourages the faculties and students to engage in R & D activities. Currently Department has received a sum of Rs.63.5 Lakhs from DST-SERB Government of India, VGST Government of Karnataka. Under the guidance of Dr. Narayan K, Dr. Chaya B M, Dr. Venkatesha M and Dr. Asha K around 20 students have visited abroad and presented their papers at top Tier 1 international conferences, including countries such as USA, China, Canada, Germany, Portugal and Czech Republic. Many of the students have even received international travel grants of 7400 USD and Rs. 2,25,000 from IEEE Photonics Society, SPIE-Germany, SPIE-USA, IEEE Bangalore section and AICTE-INAE. ECE department Research centre has advanced computing and modeling software’s such as COMSOL Multiphysics, Lumerical FDTD, Lumerical MODE, Lumerical Interconnect, Opti-BPM, IntelliSuite and Mathematica. These software’s are funded by Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India (DST- SERB) and Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Dept. of IT, BT & ST, Govt. of Karnataka. Students are trained in these advanced software’s and encouraged to present their work in International forum, in the conferences held abroad.
The Department organizes various workshops, Technical talks and webinars under IEEE Photonics student chapter, IEEE EMBS Student Chapter and IEEE SVIT Student Branch. Department has received Rs 64,000 from KSCST and VTU grants for various students projects, among which one project named “Agriculture Bot” received VTU first prize in the year 2018. Under his mentoring our students won first prize in “Smart India Hackathon” which was conducted in association with Dept. of science and technology, Govt. of India.
Quick Facts

To be a leading global centre of excellence in Electronics and Communication Engineering,producing skilled and innovative engineers to contribute to the betterment of humanity

To educate and empower students with cuttingedge technologies and innovation in Electronics and Communication Engineering to meet global
To foster a culture of research, innovation, and ethical practices by creating a conducive ecosystem for faculty and students to address societal needs.
Promoting collaboration with academia and industry to empower students as socially responsible, globally competent professionals and potential entrepreneurs.
- PEOs
- POs
- PSOs
- Activities
- Achievements
PEOs are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program
is preparing graduates to achieve:
Educational objectives are the career and life accomplishments
that the program prepares graduates to achieve within a few years after graduation.
The educational
objectives of Electronics and communication Engineering programs of Sai vidya Institute of
technology are to produce graduates who are able to:
PEO 1 : Design & Develop Innovative electronic systems.
PEO 2 : Effectively communicate technical information, successfully lead and participate in a
multi-disciplinary team environment.
PEO 3 : Engage in lifelong learning through continuing education and industrial practise.
PEO 4 : Demonstrate professional ethics and social awareness.
Program Outcomes (POs)
POs are Statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do upon graduating from the program. These relate to the skills, knowledge, analytical ability, attitude and behavior that students acquire through the program. Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PO 1 : Engineering knowledge:
Apply the knowledge of mathematics science engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
PO 2 : Problem analysis:
Identify, formulate, review research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusion using first principles of mathematics natural science and engineering science.
PO 3 : Design/development of solutions:
Design solution for complex engineering problems and design system components are processed that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO 4 : Conduct investigations of complex problems:
Use research based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusion.
PO 5 : Modern tool usage:
Create, select and apply appropriate techniques resource and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 6 : The engineer and society:
Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO 7 : Environment and sustainability:
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contest and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
PO 8 : Ethics:
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibility and norms of the engineering practice.
PO 9 : Individual and team work:
Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leaders in diverse teams and multi-disciplinary settings.
PO 10 : Communication:
Communicate effectively on compels engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentation and give and receive clear instructions.
PO 11 : Project Management and Finance:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding engineering/ management principles and apply these to one‘s own work. As a member and leader in a team to manage projects and multi disciplinary environments.
PO 12 : Life-long learning:
Recognize the need for the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in broad cast context of technological change.
PSOs are the statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do in a specialized area of discipline upon graduation from a program.
PSO 1 :
Design and simulate Electronics and Communication systems using concepts and tools of electronic circuits, signal processing, VLSI technology and communication.
PSO 2 :
Architect, partition and select appropriate technologies for implementation of a specified electronics & communication system
1 : Workshop on Nanotechnology and Photonics - 5th September- 2018
The one-day workshop on nanotechnology and photonics was organized by SVIT IEEE photonics and EMBS student chapters & department of ECE, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in association with IEEE-IISc student branch as part of IEEE-IISc Knowledge & networking outreach workshop (I-KNOW) program on 05-09-2018. The chief guest for the workshop was Dr. T. Srinivas, Associate Professor, ECE department, Indian Institute of Science and branch counsellor IEEE-IISc student branch.
2 :
IEEE Humanitarian Event on Road Safety Training for Youth - 4th February- 2019
An event on road safety was hosted by SVIT IEEE student branch and department of ECE, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in association with IEEE- Bangalore section, IEEE young professionals, Bangalore section and MASH foundation.
Dr. Narayan K, IEEE SVIT Student branch advisor, initiated the event by addressing the students about road safety and the importance of it. Mr. Mangesh Raut, MASH foundation, was the trainer for the event. He addressed the students about the road safety, how to take measures when someone is met with an accident, he explained the students about samaritan law. He demonstrated how the first aid can be performed on the spot of accident. He has also given insight to the students about medical emergencies like CPR, snake bite, dog bite etc.
1 : Department is catalysed and supported by Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Govt. of Karnataka.
2 : Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has received sponsored projects worth 63.5 lakhs from DST-SERB, Govt. of India and VGST-CISE, Govt. of Karnataka.
3 : So far 15 UG students have visited Macau, Portugal, Germany, Czech Republic(Europe) and USA to present their paper in top International Conferences. Many of them have received International travel grants. Thereby, helping them to do masters abroad.
4 : Dr. Narayan K. has been elevated as an IEEE senior member for following societies: IEEE Photonics, IEEE EMBS, IEEE Computational Intelligence and IEEE Consumer Electronic Society.
5 : An agricultural based project “Agriculture Robot” guided by Prof. Pavan Kumar E., Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, has won the first prize in VTU Project exhibition.
6 : Department has even attracted students from Foreign Universities for doing their research projects.
7 : Alumni from the Department have joined Indian Air Force (IAF). Mr. Darshan B.S.(2014 batch) is serving IAF in the rank of Flight Lieutenant and Ms. Megha H.G.(2015 batch) is serving as Flying Officer.
8 : Dr. Narayan K. is conducting special training classes for service selection board interviews for the students aspiring to join Indian Arm Forces (Navy and Air Force) as technical officers.
9 : Department has outstanding research facilities in the area of Computational Photonics and MEMS with the following research software modules like Lumerical FDTD, Lumerical MODE, COMSOL Multiphysics and Intellisense Modelling tools.
10 : Department is catalyzed and supported by Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Govt. of Karnataka.
11 : Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has received sponsored projects worth 63.5 lakhs from DST-SERB, Govt. of India and VGST, Govt. of Karnataka.
12 : Around 20 students have visited Macau, Portugal, Germany, Czech Republic, Canada and USA to present their paper in top International Conferences. Many of them have received International travel grants. Thereby helping them to do masters abroad.
13 : Dr. Narayan K. has been elevated as IEEE HKN life member and IEEE senior member.
14 : Dr. Venkatesha M has been elevated as an IEEE senior member and received best branch counselor award from IEEE Bangalore section.
15 : An agricultural based project “Agriculture Bot” guided by Prof. Pavan Kumar E., Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, has won the first prize in VTU Project exhibition.
16 : Faculties of our department has filed 9 patents out of which 2 were granted.
17 : Department has even attracted students from Foreign Universities for doing their Internship.
18 : Alumni from the Department have joined Indian Air Force (IAF). Mr. Darshan B.S.(2014 batch) is serving IAF in the rank of Flight Lieutenant and Ms. Megha H.G.(2015 batch) is serving as Flying Officer.
19 : More than 100 students have received certification from NPTEL for various technical courses.
News & Events More News>
Webinars Conducted under IEEE Student Chapter
SL-NO | Date | Name of The Activity/Event | IEEE V-Tools Event Link | ||||
1. | 9th Jan 2021 | Power of Perseverance: 5 Steps to Realise Your Dreams | View | ||||
2. | 17th -19th Dec 2020 | Three Days Workshop on Emerging Trends In Biomedical and Mems Sensor Technologies | View | ||||
3. | 12th Dec 2020 | Leadership -A live Example "Indian Army Perceptive | View | ||||
4. | 21st Nov 2020 | Self-Awareness For Innovative Entrepreneurship in Industry 4.0 | View | ||||
5. | 07th Nov 2020 | Intellectual Property Rights : An Overview | View | ||||
6. | 10th Oct 2020 | Practical Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and Patents | View | ||||
7. | 29th Aug 2020 | Higher Education Opportunities in Germany | View | ||||
8. | 24th Aug 2020 | Nanowire based IR Photodetectors | View | ||||
9. | 20th Aug 2020 | Nanotechnology: Challenges and Opportunities | View | ||||
10. | 10th Aug 2020 | Machine Learning | View | ||||
11. | 27th Jul 2020 | Indian Technical Education System | View | ||||
12. | 22nd Jul 2020 | Recent Developments in Nanotechnology/Nanoelectronics | View | ||||
13. | 16th Jul 2020 | MEMS and Sensors: The need of Today's World | View | ||||
14. | 08th Jul 2020 | Importance of Quality Research and Publication for Students and Research Scholars | View | ||||
15. | 30th Jun 2020 | Intelligent Multi-Electrode Arrays for Real-Time Treatment, Monitoring of Antipsychotics | View | ||||
16. | 05th Jun 2019 | Ecosystem Approach to Affordable Health Monitoring using IOT | View | ||||
17. | 17th NOv 2019 | Workshop on Nanotechnology and Photonics | View |