1. Proctor System
2. SAVI YouTube Channel
3. Study Blogs
4. Student Counselor
5. Project Exhibition
6. Best Outgoing Student
7. Placement Training Programme
8. Career Guidance Programme
9. Sponsoring Students for Participating Competitions in abroad
10. Institution Innovation Council
11. Techvidya
12. Committee for Technical Enabled Education(CTEE)
13. Sanchalana
14. Service Selection Board
15. NSS
16. NPTEL Local Chapter
17. Infosys Springboard
18. Intellectual Property Rights Cell
19. Sai Vidya Automation Software (SVAS)
20. Camera Club
21. Green Initiative
22. NCC
24. Infosys Springboard
Proctor System:
The Proctor is responsible for dealing with all matters of student misconduct, either as a student disciplinary matter or an issue of professional suitability for students who are on professional courses.
The Proctor has a general responsibility for student safety and works closely with other partners to ensure that our students are safe and feel safe.
Proctoring is done effectively assigning a Proctor (facilitator) to each student. Proctoring gives opportunity to share the difficulties & problems to get professional help and guidance by building trust and confidence. Periodic reports are generated by the faculty.
SAVI YouTube
A unique channel with an unique idea of delivering video lectures for all the Subjects and Laboratories of all the major engineering branches (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Science, Information Science, Electronics & Communication), Basic Science (Maths, Physics & Chemistry) and MBA (Finance and Marketing). This channel is the dream of "SAI VIDYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY" with a Motto "LEARN TO LEAD".

Study Blogs
A blog(a shortend version of "weblog") is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts apperaing first, at the top.
The objective of creating the subject blog to assist the students to utilise the best course materials prepared by eminent professor of our college.
our subject blog consists of course materials like Notes, Previous Year Question Papers, Question Bank, Solved Previous Year Question Papers. Highlight of subject blogs, SAVI Youtube channel is incorporated along with subject notes. Subjects can be able to see the video along with the notes in the same web page.

Student Counselor:
Counseling is an integral part of SVIT to support the emotional health and holistic development of our students.
Counseling helps students to manage their emotions better, improve focus on goals and work in a systematic manner for their better future. Group sessions are conducted to build self-esteem, manage stress, effectively manage time, help set goals, handle failure and emerge wiser from it, etc. Compassionate supportive counseling is extended for students who have mental health issues to help them regain good health and manage their studies effectively.
Some of the issues effectively handled by our student counsellor is: Coping with academic pressure, Adheringto rules & regulations in a satisficatory manner, challenges faced due to cultural diversity & language issues, Difficulty in coping with any particular subject or teaching style.
Project Exhibition
PROJECT EXHIBITION was organized by the All Department of SVIT Final yearstudents are participation of this exhibition.
Major objective of organizing this exhibition was to provide the platform and unleash the potential of the students by showcasing their innovative projects developed in the Final Year either as Industry Defined Problem or User Defined Problem and provide an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their learning experience.
The outcome of the PROJECT EXHIBITION was that students were able to show their project at higher level and the process boosted their confidence.
Best Outgoing Student
Every year the “BEST OUTGOING STUDENT OF THE DEPARTMENT AND COLLEGE” will be awarded by the Institute. The call for nomination will be circulated every year. The nomination will be forwarded through concerned proctors to HOD. In the first round the department will select “Best outgoing student of the Department” among the submitted nominations. The selected “Best outgoing student of the department” will be sent for second/final round i,e selection of “Best Outgoing Student of College” for that academic year. ln this round the "Best Outgoing Student of the Department" selected from the department will be eligible to attend the interview conducted by panel of experts.
The following criteria’s are considered while selecting “BEST OUTGOING STUDENT”:
* Academic Performance.
* Awards / Participation in technical activities.
* Awards/ Participation in Sports and Cultural activities.
* Career Focus.
* Team/Leadership activities.
* Societal commitments.
It is the prestigious award given to the student onthe Graduation Day
Placement Training Programme
To make the students job ready, certification programmes are organized by the departments. Students are also provided with aptitude training, Resume writing practice, mock test and mock interviews.
The final year students undergo a technical training, conducted by industry personnel. QSpiders promotes Corporate Citizenship and bulk recruitment also.

Career Guidance Programme
The Department of Training and Placement organizes Career Guidance Program every year with an objective to create awareness among the pre-final year BE students about the career planning. The program will be conducted for 02 days covering various opportunities existing for students to explore for their career path. The program involves experts from different domains who had been part of multiple sessions on these days. The Management of Sai Vidya Institute of Technology was open to engage such programs for the benefit of students towards encouraging and engaging students for learning on their career options.

Sponsoring Students for Participating Competitions in abroad
The objective of the scheme is to provide travel assistance registration fees to a team of minimum 2 to 10 students for attending competition at international level in order to encourage engineering students to improve their field of technical education.
Institution Innovation Council
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India has established ‘MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC)’ to systematically foster the culture of Innovation amongst all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The primary mandate of MIC is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into prototypes while they are informative years. MIC has envisioned encouraging creation of ‘Institution’s Innovation Council (IICs)’ across selected HEIs. A network of these IICs will be established to promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campuses.
SVIT has established institute innovation council (IIC) as per the guidelines provided by MHRD Innovation Cell (MIC) and AICTE. The main object of IIC is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by exposing them to new ideas and process of resulting in innovative activities & entrepreneurial in their formative years.

TechVidya is a technical fest organized by Sai Vidya Institute of Technology. It is to host events allied with various technical aspects of what student learnt inside and outside the campus. TechVidya is to promote technical and managerial skills among students which provide a platform for innovation and creation. It is a roadway for students to showcase their practical talent in their field, not just to bind themselves to bookish knowledge.
Each branch is unique in its own set of technical/managerial skills. Some well-known events like Paper Presentation, Technical Quiz, Coding, Debugging, TechTalk, Gaming, Counter strike, Mini Militia, Puzzle/Crossword, Robotics, Platronics/Platricals, Thermocol Modeling, Fast Surveying, Fast Hands on Lathe, Tech CAD, Tech Nature, Mech Speech, Business Plan, Treasure Hunt are the imaginative possibilities which are endless. TechVidya plays a major role in bringing out the inner talent of the students to the globe.
Committee for Technical Enabled Education(CTEE)
The concept of traditional education has changed radically in recent years. Physical classroom within four walls is not the only learning option now-a-days. Sai Vidya Institute of Technology understood that we are now entering a new era — the revolution of online education, we realize the need of a Technical Committee for effective delivery of online education. This committee enhances the teaching learning process (TLP) of the faculty. CTEE has been brought into existence to formulate the steps/guidelines to be followed while conducting online classes. It also sets standard framework for digital content delivery, selection of best platform for online classes, conduction of proctored online test, online assessment and video uploading in SAVI YouTube channel in a comprehensive manner.

A cultural fest is a fest that showcases the culture adopted by the college organizing it. SANCHALANA is the cultural fest organized by Sai Vidya Institute of Technology every year.
Students of SVIT showcase their talent with a competitive spirit. SANCHALANA has huge foot fall for various events. The two days of FEST will be preceded by a week filled with events where students actively coordinates and participate in it. The dance club of SVIT performs flash mob every year.
The guests who attend the fest will be famous personalities from various fields like poets, movie industry, industrialists, comedians, academicians and so on. Various competitions and events like group dance, singing, Fashion show etc., are conducted during the fest. Every year there will be movie screening where in students themselves act, direct , shoot and edit the movie. . A carnival (fun fair) also will be organized by the students where they set up stalls through which they sell art, food and beverages.
Service Selection Board
SSB stands for Service Selection Board. It is set up by the Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India to conduct the interview for recruiting officers in Indian Armed Forces (Indian Army, Indian Air Force & Indian Navy). It is designed to test "officer like qualities" in the candidates. The key traits of candidates that are assessed in SSB interview are personality, intelligence, compatibility and potential. The interview gives more emphasis to mental fitness than physical fitness but a certain level of physical fitness is definitely required to clear the interview.
Sai Vidya Institute of Technology has recently started with unique program of conducting SSB training for the budding engineering students where no other institutes/ colleges have started or initiated till now in India.
The NSS unit of the college has 100 student members and approved by VTU. The unit is headed by Dr. Harish H T, Chief Librarian & NSS Program Officer. The National Service scheme (NSS) is an Indian government-sponsored public service program conducted by department of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India which was begun in 1969. Its primary aim is personality development through social (or community) service. The NSS motto is “Not Me, But You”.
The social activities aim to include social welfare in students, and to provide service to society without bias. NSS volunteers work to ensure that everyone who is needy gets help to enhance their standard of living and lead life of dignity. The Sai Vidya Institute of Technology students actively participated in events conducted on behalf of Sai Vidya Institute of Technology NSS unit.

NPTEL Local Chapter was started in Sai Vidya Institute of Technology during March 2016. Prof. Abhijith H V, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ISE is the SPOC. Every year many students were motivated to register for NPTEL courses. From the academic year 2018-19 onwards every program maps 2 NPTEL courses for each semester. Students are supposed to enrol and take up assignments in the mapped NPTEL courses. These assignments marks are considered for Internal Assessment Component – 2. Every year many students register for NPTEL certifications.

'Infosys Springboard' is a free online platform powered by Infosys Wingspan that democratises the fundamentals of these skills with modular learning that is focused on digital literacy, competency and proficiency. Sai Vidya Institute of Technology is part of Infosys Springboard initiative, we are offering Infosys Springboard courses to the students as a part of assignment component of Internal Assessment.
Intellectual Property Rights Cell
An Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Cell has been formed in the institution to look after the activities related to the Intellectual Property of the Institution and also to create awareness among faculties, research scholars and the students of the Institution.
Intellectual property (IP) refers to various distinct types of creations of the mind which includes inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs; for which a set of exclusive rights like copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets are recognized under the corresponding fields of law.
1. Providing a platform for the undergraduate students, research scholars and faculties working in the institution, for protection of their innovations created during their educational/research process in the Institution.
2. Managing ownership and IPR related to publications and/or technology including development of course materials, books, thesis, kits, and works done under affiliation of Sai Vidya Institute of Technology.
3. Operationalising an interactive framework and process for identification, documentation and assessment of “Creations” resulting from Research/Student Project activities in the institution and protecting them with appropriate tools of IPR such as Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents, industrial design rights and Trade secrets.

Sai Vidya Automation Software (SVAS) is a comprehensive digital platform supported by M/S Heraizen Technologies Private Limited for the maintenance and execution of day to day academic and administrative activities of the institution. This system has all the information about the students, teachers, events, library, departments, accounts and other information of the institution. The system allows admin to add time table, students information, faculties information, assessment methods, accreditation related information such as Vision-Mission of the institute, CO’s, PO’s, PSO’s, CO-PO and CO-PSO mapping, PO attainment and many more. Our system allows a faculty to enter or input student’s attendance daily, CIE marks, scheme of evaluation etc into the database which can later be viewed by students and parents through their login credentials given by the institute. In SVAS, a separate portal is provided for proctors to maintain the data of their proctees and follow-up the academic performance regularly, which helps us to improve our results. Through this system an SMS will be sent to parents to alert about their son/daughter’s attendance status on daily/monthly basis. SVAS has easy user interface and have powerful data management system which makes this system is very effective and useful.
Camera Club
“CAM-ERA Club” was started during 2015 jointly by Sai vidya Institute Of Technology .
Club is a blend of people who want to capture and create beauty. The club aims to create the opportunities for every student to discover the artist within themselves. It also gives them the platform to paint their dreams into reality.
Objectives of this club:
To train the students to have child’s eye for observation, an artist’s taste for beauty and a poet’s expression for emotion which would thereby emulate technical concepts and ideas into reality.
• To encourage students to express their thoughts and emotions through photography.
• To make students to learn the transformation of technical facts into real-time applications.
• To Develop Photographic Skills among Students and to empower them to become young Short film makers , photographers which would increase their analyzing and sensing skills.
• To Provide & train Students in using Graphics & editing tools and software’s which would make unique in their profession.

Sai Vidya Institute of Technology holds 3/1 COY NCC affiliated to 1 KARNATAKA SIGNAL REGIMENT NCC with SD and SW Cadet divisions (Army) under NCC Group HQ ‘A’ of Karnataka and Goa Directorate. The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a youth development movement. It has enormous potential for nation building. The NCC provides opportunities to the youth of the country for their all-round development with a sense of Duty, Commitment, Dedication, Discipline and Moral Values so that they become able leaders and useful citizens. The NCC provides exposure to the cadets in a wide range of activities., with a distinct emphasis on Social Services, Discipline and Adventure Training. The NCC is open to all regular students of schools and colleges on a voluntary basis. The students have no liability for active military service..
Sangama, a ‘cultural club’ at Sai Vidya Institute of Technology comprises of such talented students and they deserve special appreciation from all corners of the society, not only when they are just students but even after, provided they nourish their talent suitably. Sangama includes all forms of cultural activities

Infosys Springboard
Sai Vidya Institute of Technology holds a MOU with M/S Infosys Limited for Infosys Campus Connect Program through Infosys Springboard Platform. Every Semester 2 courses from Infosys Springboard will be mapped to Internal assessment componet -2 of 2 subjects. This helps students to complete 2 industry oriented courses per semester.