Library And Information Centre

To build the library and information centre as a center for excellence in accessing the right information at a right time to the right user.

To embrace the principle of excellence in advancing the teaching, learning, research and service mission of the institute through the acquisition, organization and management of collections to full fill the needs of library and information centre users.
Library Computerization
The Library uses an integrated multi-user library management system that supports all in-house operations of the Library. The Easylib consists of modules on acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, serials, article indexing and OPAC. Retrospective conversion of bibliographic records has been completed and more than 17622 bibliographic records of books available in the Library can now be accessed through the OPAC Search. The database of books available in the Library is being updated on day to day basis with details of recently acquired books. The editing and updating activities are in progress.
Library timings: | |
Library Timings | 08:30 A.M to 08:00 P.M |
Circulation counter | 09:00 A.M to 04:00 PM |
Reference section | 09:00 A.M to 08:00 P.M |
User Guidelines
Every user has to become a member of the library in order to borrow resources from the library. The library membership form ( available in the library) has to be filled and submitted along with 1 stamp size & 1 passport size photograph of the member.
S/N | Member Details | No. of Books | Loan Period |
1 | Professor & Associate Professor | 20 Books | 45 days |
2 | Assistant Professor | 12 Books | 45 days |
3 | UG Students | 03 Books | 15 Days |
4 | PG Students | 03 Books | 15 Days |
5 | Non-Teaching Staff | 02 Books | 45 days |
Reservation of library books
If the required book(s) is under circulation, Users can reserve the book in OPAC system and to follow with the library staff. Library staff will take back the reserved book when it comes for return or renewal and issue the same book to the reserved user.
Loss of library material
In case if loss of, borrowed library document; the borrower should bring it to the notice of the librarian immediately in writing.
- The borrower has to replace the book (title & author should be the same) within the time permitted by the librarian.
- If the book is not available in the market, the borrower has to pay double the cost of the lost book.
- If the lost book is of multivolume in nature, the defaulter will have to replace the entire set of volumes.
- If the lost book is rare in nature, the defaulter has to pay three times the cost of the book.
Library Services
- Circulation service - The Library Circulation System is automated using Easylib Software 4.3.3 (Fully Automated). Bar coded ID Cards issued to all the Members (Students and Staff). Each Undergraduate student is provided 03 books & the Post Graduate students are provided with 03 books. Asst. Professor can borrow 12 books and Associate Professors & Professors can borrow 20 books. books.
- Periodical Services - A good number of journals and magazines both technical and general in nature are subscribed to library latest issues will be displayed as and when received, follow-up with suppliers for recovering missing issues.
- News paper clippings service - Important and relevant information published in dailies will be displayed on library notice board regularly and the same will be updated once in a month on library website.
- Question paper services - Previous years VTU Question papers are arranged subject wise in multiple copies and will be provided to users to take photocopies. The softcopy of question papers are available on library website which is downloadable.
- Project report services - One copy of Students projects of all previous years is maintained in library and providing for reference.
- Reprographic Service - A photocopier has been added to the library for the benefit of users.
Issue of library books for examination
Students can borrow and use library books during their odd semester examination only. At the end of each academic year i.e. before starting of even semester examination students have to return their all library borrowings and get no dues from library which is mandatory for getting their hall tickets.
Digital Library
Online access to the E-Resource under VTU Consortium has been set up on following website address that is related to UG and PG programs. These E-Resources accesses will be activated on IP authentication. So, simultaneously any number of users can access, browse and download the e-journals and e-books within the campus.
VTU Consortium

E-Books & E-Journals
SL-NO | E-Resouce Publisher | Website |
1 | Elsevier - Science Direct (Engineering + Computer Science) (298 journals) | View |
2 | Taylor & Francis (Engineering + Architecture(585 Journals) | View |
3 | Springer Nature (ME, CV, CS, EC, ME and allied branches) (690 journals) | View |
4 | Emerald Business 1000 Indian Cases | View |
5 | Emerald (Management) (120 journals) | View |
6 | ProQuest(4900 journals) | View |
Total E-journals = 6,791 | ||
E-BOOKS | ||
7 | Taylor & Francis (Engineering and allied branches) (471 E-Books) | View |
8 | McGraw Hill Express (Subscription model for four year) (928 E-Books) | View |
9 | Elsevier SD (Engineering ) (85 E-Books) | View |
10 | ACM (179 E-Books) | View |
11 | JSTOR (Engineering ) (7190 E-Books) | View |
Total E-Books = 10,934 | ||
11 | KNIMBUS (e-Library + Remote access + Mobile App) Platform | View |
12 | DrillBit (Plagiarism Software Online Tool) | View |
13 | QuillBot | View |
Library Software: EasyLib Software 4.3.3 (Fully Automated)
I. Engineering Books (Under Graduate) | |||
1 | Electronics & Communication Engg | 692 | 2607 |
2 | Electrical & Electronics Engg | 392 | 1516 |
3 | Computer Science Engg | 562 | 2397 |
4 | Information Science Engg | 529 | 2055 |
5 | Civil Engineering | 387 | 1783 |
6 | Mechanical Engineering | 372 | 2160 |
7 | CSE (AI &ML | 82 | 310 |
8 | CSE (Data Science) | 86 | 318 |
9 | Basic Science | 307 | 2942 |
10 | General/Kannada/Law & Dictionary | 313 | 662 |
Total | B E Text Books | 3622 | 16350 |
II. MBA (Post Graduate) | |||
1 | MBA (Business Administration) | 567 | 1900 |
Total | MBA Text Books | 567 | 1900 |
III. Book Materials | |||
SL. No. | Details | NO OF TITLES | NO OF VOLUMES |
1 | BE Text Books | 3622 | 16350 |
2 | MBA Text Books | 567 | 1900 |
Total Text Books | 4189 | 18250 |
Library Staffs
S/N | Name | Qualification | Designation | Email ID | Mobile | Specialization | Years of Experience | ||||
1 | Dr. Manjunatha S.R | M.L.I.Sc.,Ph.D | Librarian and Head | | +919036140881 | Library and Information Science, Acquistion Section, Circulation Section, Digital Library Consortium | 17+Years | ||||
2 | Naveen Kumar .H.C | B.L.I.Sc., M.L.I.Sc., PGDLAN | Assistant Librarian | |
+919741330040 | Library and Information Science | 18+ Years | ||||
3 | Chandrashekar. R | P.U.C. | Library Attender | |
+919901288379 | 11+ Years |