ECE - Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
EEE - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
CSE - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ISE - Department of Information Science and Engineering
ME - Department of Mechanical Engineering
CE - Department of Civil Engineering
Project Exhibition | Academic Year - 2018-19 | 18 Aug, 2020
EEE - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
CSE - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ISE - Department of Information Science and Engineering
ME - Department of Mechanical Engineering
CE - Department of Civil Engineering
Project Exhibition | Academic Year - 2018-19 | 18 Aug, 2020

PROJECT EXHIBITION was organized by sai vidya institute of technology in all the six departments, on 20th May, 2018. Final year students are participation of this exhibition.
Major objective of organizing this exhibition was to provide the platform and unleash the potential of the students by showcasing their innovative projects developed in the Final Year either as Industry Defined Problem or User Defined Problem and provide an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their learning experience.
The outcome of the PROJECT EXHIBITION was that students were able to show their project at higher level and the process boosted their confidence.