IEEE Chapter | Academic Year - 2019-20 | 24 Sep, 2020

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in association with IEEE SVIT Student Chapter conducted Webinar on the topic "Indian Technical Education System”.
Date of the Event: 27th July 2020 at 10:30 AM
Speaker Details: Dr S S Mantha Former Chairman AICTE , Adj Prof NIAS, Bangalore , Chancellor KL University , Emeritus Professor, VJTI, Mumbai.
Online webinar Platform: Google Meet Application
Webinar meeting Link:
Timings: 10:30 AM to 12:00 AM Total Number of Registrations: 400+
More than 400 participants are registered for the webinar and more than 190 Participants actively participated from various Industry professional’s/ Faculty member’s/ Research scholars/ students from many reputed institutions were witnessed the webinar. The webinar is started at 10:30 AM with formal Welcome followed by brief introduction about the speaker, Dr S S Mantha by Dr. Narayan K, Dean R&D and Professor, Department of ECE.
Dr S S Mantha Former Chairman AICTE , Adj Prof NIAS, Bangalore , Chancellor KL University , Emeritus Professor, VJTI, Mumbai, who delivered an Outstanding webinar on Indian Education System”, The talk was well attended by over 190 participants. It was honor for Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, to have Dr S S Mantha as the invited speaker for the webinar. The webinar was organized by IEEE Student Branch, & Department of ECE. Institute would also like acknowledge Dr Narayan .K Dean (R&D) Sincere efforts in organizing this webinar.
Dr S S Mantha spoke about the following for almost 90mins about,
- Ancient Education System
- Disruption in Education due to Covid-19
- Importance of research, innovation and patent.
- Importance of publication
- What is quality, Accreditation, Assessment, Ranking and quality assurance
- Scholarship of integration
- NIRF Ranking
- Next Generation Lab in partnership with Industry and International Universities
- Essential Skill map for digital transformation
- How to get students jobs and make them future ready
- Rise in technology enabled interactive platform to promote learning process for students
- Current trends for educational digital content
- Consideration for successful future education
- The Universities in the future
- Virtual University- A perspective
Finally Dr S S Mantha ended the talk with a quote “ The Wise Should Learn to accept wisdom for anybody even from a child, Doesn’t the small night lamp light up things which sun cannot”. All the participants are appreciated the talk and mentioned as very informative session. Vote of thanks was given by Bina R, student Chair, IEEE SVIT student branch.
Chief Coordinator: Dr. Narayan K, Advisor, IEEE SVIT Student Branch, Dean (R&D) and Professor Department of ECE
Head of the Department: Prof. Vikramathithan A C, Department of ECE
Webinar Coordinators:
Faculty Coordinators
1.Dr. Venkatesha M–Branch Counselor, IEEE SVIT Student Branch
2.Mr. Pavan Kumar E, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE
3.Ms. Monisha Raj, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE
Student Coordinators
1.Mr. Sourabh Bhat, Student secretary, IEEE SVIT student Branch
2.Ms. Bina R, Student Chair, IEEE SVIT Student Branch