IEEE Chapter | Academic Year - 2019-20 | 24 Sep, 2020

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in association with IEEE SVIT Photonics Student Chapter conducted Webinar on the topic “Nanotechnology: Challenges and Opportunities”.
Date of the Event: 20th August 2020 at 10:30 AM
Speaker Details: Professor Chennupati Jagadish, Professor and Head of Semiconductor Optoelectronics and nanotechnology Group, Research School of Physics, Australian National University
Online webinar Platform: Google Meet Application Webinar meeting Link:
Timings: 10:30 AM to 12:00 AM
Total Number of Registrations: 300+
More than 300 participants registered for the webinar and more than 180 Participants actively participated from various backgrounds such as Industry professionals/ Faculty members/ Research scholars/ students from many reputed institutions witnessed the webinar. The webinar started at 10:30 AM with formal Welcome for the speaker, Professor Chennupati Jagadish by Dr. Narayan K,Advisor-IEEE SVIT student branch, Dean R&D, Department of ECE. Followed by Brief introduction about the speaker.
The speaker Professor Chennupati Jagadish explained the importance and need of nanotechnology. He also expressed the role of nanotechnology in every sector. Some of the catchy examples included the breaking of tennis balls and overcoming it with the help of nanotechnology. The session talk was well appreciated by all the participants and it has inspired many undergraduate students, faculty members and created lot of interest on research in the field of nanotechnology and nanoelectronics as well. The session was attended by T. Srinivas, a senior professor from IISc and few other professors from IITs. The speaker concluded the session with the remarks of taking up benefit of society above all the science and technology. Vote of thanks was given by Bina R, student Chair, IEEE SVIT student branch. The feedback form was shared to all the participants at the end of the session we received more than 180 feedback forms and E-certificate was sent to all the registered participants.
Chief Coordinator: Dr. Narayan K, Advisor, IEEE SVIT Student Branch, Dean (R&D) and Professor Department of ECE
Head of the Department: Prof. Vikramathithan A C, Department of ECE
Faculty Coordinators
1.Dr. Venkatesha M–Branch Counselor, IEEE SVIT Student Branch
2.Mr. Pavan Kumar E, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE
3.Ms. MonishaRaj, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE
Student Coordinators
1.Mr. Sourabh Bhat, Student secretary, IEEE SVIT student Branch
2.Ms. Bina R, Student Chair, IEEE SVIT Student Branch