Automation in Quality Assurance and Trends Shaping QA
CSE - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ISE - Department of Information Science and Engineering
CSI Chapter | Academic Year - 2019-20 | 15 Dec, 2020

CSI SB Activities


Chapter/Student Branch Name  


SVIT CSI Student Branch






Event Date and Title               


30th  July  2020, 11.00am - 12.30pm

Webinar on “Automation in Quality Assurance and Trends Shaping QA” at 

Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.

Speaker(s) at the Event            


Mr. Vishnu J Kumar 

Lead Engineer,

HCL software,



Gist of the Event (Few sentences regarding technical contents of the event)

Webinar was organized for CSE and ISE Department SVIT and other college students, in order to give them an awareness about software testing techniques and certification courses in testing. The topics discussed were - 

1. Types of testing

2. Importance of testing

3. Certifications

4. Q&A with the speakers

The talk gave an insight on the types of testing done in IT industry, how testing ensures the quality of a product and importance of testing. The speaker motivated the students and also informed them about the programming skills required for testing of a product.


Photograph of the event 


Figure 1:  Resource Person giving the talk

Figure 2:  Resource Person giving the talk

Figure 3:  Introducing the certification courses

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