MBA First year classes inaugural function
FM - Finance Management
HR - Human Resources Management
MBA - Master of Business Administration
Activity | Academic Year - 2021-22 | 28 Apr, 2022
HR - Human Resources Management
MBA - Master of Business Administration
Activity | Academic Year - 2021-22 | 28 Apr, 2022

MBA First year classes inaugural function was held on 14/02/2022
Mr. Giri Krishnan Chief Guest explained how students should get ready for
Corporate and sir had given some advises to work for students:
1. Practical Knowledge on Job portal.
2. Inculcate the Habit of Innovation.
3. Read Books and Newspapers Regularly.
4. Build Your Profile to Show Your Accomplishments.
5. Pursue Online Courses to Hone Your Skills.
6. Work on Your Weak Areas.
7. Learn to Organize and Manage Your Time.