Activity | Academic Year - 2016-17 | 08 Aug, 2020

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with NSS Wing and Red Cross Wing had conducted an Idea Presentation event on “Safayi Apanaye Bimari Hataiye” under "Swachh Bharat Pakhwada", an initiative by Ministry of HRD, Government of India, in order to inculcate awareness among the students towards cleanliness and hygiene.
Date of the event: 28/10/2016
Timings: 09:30AM to 02:00PM
Venue: Seminar Hall
Rules for the event
1. Students had to prepare Power Point Presentation on above topic
2. Max time duration is 10min.
3. Max 2 members in each team.
Event was Inaugurated by our honorable Principal Dr. Ramesh Babu H S.
Faculty Coordinators:
Dr. Chitra Kiran.N, Professor and HOD, Dept. of ECE.
Prof. Ramprasad S S, Asst. Prof., Dept. of ECE.
Student Coordinators:
Varun Kumar Y, 7th sem ECE.
Yahsitha J, 7th sem ECE.
Swathi S, 7th sem ECE.
Suchith Kumar M, 7th sem ECE.
Tejaswini C H, 7th sem ECE.
Bhuvanteja, 7th sem ECE.
Arun Kumar S, 7th sem ECE.
There were 15 teams who actively took part in this event. All team members had to present their ideas (in Power Point Presentation).
Following Ideas were presented by the students
Necessary steps should be taken by Government
- Dustbins should be kept at all public places like Bus stations, Railway stations, Gardens, Theatres etc.
- Dustbins should be kept at proper distance on roads.
- Proper waste containers should be kept in every area.
- Rules should be made and action should be taken if someone violates the rules.
- Daily cleaning of public places is necessary.
- Government should educate the public about cleanliness.
- Public toilets are to be constructed and should be maintained and monitored regularly.
Simple, but important steps should be taken by us to keep our city clean
- While traveling don't throw any wrapper, paper or any dry waste on road. Keep it in your bag or pocket .
- Keep paper bags with yourself to store wet waste and throw them in dustbin only.
- Avoid spitting on roads as it can be the reason for diseases.
- Avoid chewing Pan-Masala, Gutka and Tobacco.
- Avoid use of plastic bags.
- Public must follow the rules and regulations made by the government.
- Stop your friends if they are making such mistakes.
- Educate the public for keeping the city clean.
“We the citizens of India should be proud about our Motherland and should make others to be proud about our country India”.