FDP on Wireless Sensor Networks
ECE - Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
Workshop | Academic Year - 2016-17 | 08 Aug, 2020
Workshop | Academic Year - 2016-17 | 08 Aug, 2020

Faculty Development program on “Recent trends in Wireless Sensor Networks” with Hands on Session on NS-2 on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Feb 2017
Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in Association with IEEE Bangalore Chapter
Goals of the FDP
- To support Networking research and education on protocol design.
- To understand WSN architecture, sensor network wireless data communication.
- Design WSN protocols using NS-2 simulator.
FDP Contents
- Understanding the architecture of Wireless Sensor Networks.
- Introduction to NS-2.
- Protocol Design using NS-2
- MANET & VANET analysis in NS-2
- Implementation & execution of designed protocol in TCL Scripts.
- Simulation Mobility Models, Analysis of results using trace graph, NAM file in NS-2
Resource Persons
Prof. Mohammed Khurram J
Department of ISE,
Ghousia College of Engineering,
Dr. Shivamurthy
Professor, Dept. of CSE, VTU
Muddenhalli, Campus.
Dr. Chitra Kiran N
Professor and HOD, Dept. ECE
SVIT, Bangalore-64
Dr. Mukesh Kumar Singh
Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE
SVIT, Bangalore-64