EEE - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
CSE - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ISE - Department of Information Science and Engineering
ME - Department of Mechanical Engineering
CE - Department of Civil Engineering
M.Tech - Computer Science
FM - Finance Management
PHY - Department of Physics
CHE - Department of Chemistry
MATH - Department of Mathematics
IEEE Chapter | Academic Year - 2016-17 | 08 Aug, 2020

IEEE Photonics Society Bangalore chapter & IEEE student branch of Sai Vidya Institute of Technology are organizing a one-day workshop on
Recent Advances in Bio-Photonics and Optical Biosensors on 12 May 2017(Friday).
Photonics is the technology of light wave-particles and is considered the technology of this century like electronics of the last century. Biomedical Engineering is one of the important applications, ranging from fundamental light-matter interaction to optical lab on a chip. IEEE Photonics society Bangalore chapter, as part of monthly workshop series, in various colleges, is conducting this workshop in association with IEEE Student Branch Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, to introduce and inform members, about recent advances in this emerging area of importance. All those interested are welcome.
General participant: Rs. 1000/-
Students: Rs. 500/-
50% discount for members of IEEE Photonics Society and IEEE EMBS including those who join on the spot.
A Participation certificate will be given.
The fee includes lunch/tea etc, and a kit.
Venkatesha M, SVIT: (
Shwetha M,SVIT (
Ananya N, SVIT (
Poojith T (
Phone: 9008107444, 8971137161
Schedule (12 May 2017)
08.30am - 09.00am : Registration
09.00am - 09.45 am : Inauguration of Workshop & Inauguration of SVIT Student Chapter of IEEE Photonics Society and IEEE EMB Society
09.45am - 11.00am : Gopal M Hegde, Indian Institute of Science (Nano-bio-photonics)
11.00am - 11.15am : Tea Break
11.15am - 12.15pm : Narayan K., Sai Vidya Institute of Technology (Graphene based SOI Waveguides for Integrated Sensing)
12.15pm - 01.15pm : Srivani Padma, Indian Institute of Science (Fiber Bragg Grating based optical Biosensors)
01.15pm - 02.15pm : Lunch Break
02.15pm - 03.15pm : Preeta Sharan,The Oxford College of Engineering (SPR based biosensors)
03.15pm - 03.30pm : Tea Break
03.30pm - 04.30pm : Discussion (T. Srinivas, IISc, Coordinator) (Opportunities for projects and higher studies in Biophotonics)
Note: IEEE Photonics Society plans to conduct similar programs in other colleges throughout Karnataka.Those who are interested may contact the organizers, Execom member: Mr. Venkateswara Rao Kolli, MCE Hassan (