Training | Academic Year - 2016-17 | 08 Aug, 2020

Internship on Substations and Dispatcher Training Simulator was organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with NATIONAL POWER TRAINING INSTITUTE (Govt of India), BANGALORE from 11th – 13th May 2017.
The inauguration function was held in SVIT seminar hall. The program was inaugurated by Sri. M.N .Murthy, Principal Director, NPTI, Prof M R Holla, Director, SVIT, DR.H S Ramesh Babu, Principal, SVIT and Prof R.C.Shanmukaswamy, Dean of Administration, SVIT. The dignitaries were welcomed by Prof T.G.Manjunath, Associate Professor and HOD of Electrical and Electronics Department.
The aim of the Skill Development program is an initiative of Government of India to empower the youth with appropriate skills to make them industry ready. NPTI (Ministry of Power, Government of India) conducts skill training program at various levels and as per industry need in the different areas related to Power sector i.e. Generation, renewable energy, transmission and distribution, energy conservation, and GIS and GPS application in power sector.
he students view was represented by Ms.Ananya Chair, IEEE Photonics Society, Student Branch of Bangalore Section. Dr. T. Srinivas was the moderator. Dr. Narayan emphasized on importance of IEEE Membership, Dr.PreetaSharan emphasized about the interim-ship opportunities available for Photonic student members.The Worshop was attended by Ninety Two participants including participants from MVJ, SJCIT and Oxford Engineering Colleges.