EEE - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
CSE - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ISE - Department of Information Science and Engineering
ME - Department of Mechanical Engineering
CE - Department of Civil Engineering
MBA - Master of Business Administration
PHY - Department of Physics
CHE - Department of Chemistry
MATH - Department of Mathematics
Project Exhibition | Academic Year - 2016-17 | 08 Aug, 2020

Project Exhibition was organized by all the departments of Sai Vidya Institute of Technology on 18.05.2017 in respective department laboratories from 9.00 am to 3.00pm.
Major objective of organizing this exhibition was to provide platform for students to showcase their innovative projects developed in the Final Year either as Industry Defined Problem or User Defined Problem. About 122 projects were exhibited by the students from various departments. Many industry experts, academic experts, higher authorities, faculty members and students of lower semester viewed the projects.
The lower semester students visited the exhibition and were very happy with the kind of projects taken by seniors. Jury member appreciated the students for the innovative projects that they have undertaken. Best projects from each department selected by jury members were awarded with 1st , 2nd and 3rd prizes in the valedictory function. Valedictory function was chaired by Prof.M.R.Holla, Director, SVIT and Dr.H.S.Ramesh babu, Principal, SVIT.
Outcomes of the event
The function has been a result of collective hard work done by the Final Year Students and their guides. Students showed good enthusiasm to display their projects. Faculties have put maximum effort to organize the grand function. The function created a high degree of excitement in the faculty and students of the college. The students are motivated by the prizes and certificates. The first prize of project was 1000 Rs. second prize was 750 Rs. and third prize was certificates.
Feedback from industry mentors/experts
Experts invited from various industries and academicians evaluated the project of the final year students. All the experts appreciated the work done by the students. Experts motivated the students to convert their projects into end product. Experts had given guidance to the students about their working model and suggested some changes to make it more viable and useful for the society. All the experts selected best 3 Projects from all departments based on their usefulness to the society and efforts students have done the projects for innovations.
Feedback from final year teams
Project Fair is organized by all the departments of Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru on 18th May, 2017. We had represented our work in form of demonstration of running model in front of Internal and External panel of Evaluator. It was an excellent experience to demonstrate work in front of Industrial/Academic expert and other review panel. Their valuable suggestions have really remained very useful for us. We learned many things from them.
Feedback from faculty members
All the students had presented their work very effectively; some of the projects are really up to the noticeable mark and can be converted to end product. Such kind of event motivates the students to learn by self - experience and do some innovative work. All the activities have been organized in very nice manner. The ideas are taking a shape in form of projects; some of the projects are very useful for the society. It is really combination of theory and practical. Students can be inspired largely by such kind of activities and need to organize every year.