Workshop | Academic Year - 2017-18 | 08 Aug, 2020

The department of Civil Engineering organized one week national level workshop on “ Topical Transcends in Civil Engineering” (TTCE-2017) from July 31st to August 5th 2017.The workshop is committed to promote, educate, exchange and impart sound knowledge and expertise in the selected areas of Civil Engineering fields to researchers, developers and academicians through keynote lectures delivered by eminent speakers from pioneer Civil industries, R&D Organizations & Academia.
In the workshop Fifty four participant’s form various organizations were participated. Eighteen resource persons from various premier institutions such as IISc, ISRO, DRDO, BMRCL,KSRSAC, Central Ground water board, CPRI, Natural disaster management board, Design experts and academicians are delivered the technical talks on the various advanced aspects of Civil Engineering.
Sri. Subramanya Gudge, Additional Chief Engineer, BMRCL was the chief guest for the valedictory function. Design Consultant Sri.M.V.Vasudev was the guest of honor. The Principal Dr. Ramesh Babu .H.S Presided over the function. In the concluding remak Sri. Subramanya Gudge addressed about the importance of Science and Technology for the overall development of the country. In the Presidential note Dr.Ramesh Babu Principal SVIT expressed the importance of the workshops for the enhancement of the knowledge pertaining to the advancements in the civil Engineering.