Swachhata Hi Seva program
ECE - Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
EEE - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
CSE - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ISE - Department of Information Science and Engineering
ME - Department of Mechanical Engineering
CE - Department of Civil Engineering
M.Tech - Computer Science
MBA - Master of Business Administration
PHY - Department of Physics
CHE - Department of Chemistry
MATH - Department of Mathematics
Activity | Academic Year - 2017-18 | 08 Aug, 2020

Swachhata Hi Seva program in association with ISKCON on 2nd Oct 2017

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a cleanliness drive aimed to cover 4,041 statutory cities and towns all over India in order to clean the streets, roads and other infrastructure. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a cleanliness campaign run by the government of India and initiated by the Honorable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.

This drive of clean India was flagged at Sai Vidya institute of Technology Campus, By Madhu Pandit Dasa the President of ISKCON Bengaluru, Prof. M R Holla director of The Sai Vidya institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Dr. H S Rameshbabu, Principal of Sai Vidya institute of Technology and PDO Rajanukunte Gramapanchayathi Mr. Rajesh Who inaugurated by lighting the lamp and Enlightened the volunteers with their motivational

Firstly,  we  started  with  a  plan  that  had   to   be  executed  in order  to  make  the people  understand  the  importance  of  the Term "SWACHH  BHARATH". Our  main  goal  was  to  spread  the  message  of  keeping  our   surroundings  clean  in  order   to   stay  hygienic  and  healthy. This  act  included   to  clear  the  wastes  which  surrounded  our  college  area  such  as   Rajanukunte  and  several  other   areas  nearby  our  college.

The  ISKCON and Ghram  Panchayat  were  kind  enough  to  join  hands  with  us  and  stood  with  us  throughout  this  act. We carried few banners and other requirements with us. We could clear  noticeable  amount  of  area  for  that  particular  day  and  our  Volunteers  tried  their  best  to reach  each  of   the  houses  to make  them  understand  the  importance  of  cleanliness.

We  also  instructed  them  to  maintain  2  separate  bins  for  Dry  and  wet   wastes. We  placed  few  sign  boards  at  the  maximum  targeted  places, which  warned  people  to  throw  the  wastes  only  in  the  bin  and   to  keep  the  surroundings  clean. Some   of the banners also included famous slogans. We then dispersed after the completion of final cleaning process near college surroundings. At  the  end, we  thought  it   was  a success  and  hoped that we  had  atleast  changed   few  of   the  minds .

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