EEE - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
CSE - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ISE - Department of Information Science and Engineering
ME - Department of Mechanical Engineering
CE - Department of Civil Engineering
PHY - Department of Physics
CHE - Department of Chemistry
MATH - Department of Mathematics
Activity | Academic Year - 2017-18 | 08 Aug, 2020

The department of Civil Engineering organized Faculty Development Program on “ RESEARCH LITERACY: ACADEMIC WRITING, E-RESOURCES AND RESEARCH QUALITY INDICATORS” on 30st January 2018.The faculty development program is conducted to the faculty members and research scholars of SVIT. The FDP is committed to promote research culture amongst the faculty members of the SVIT. Dr.I.R.N.Gowdar, Adjunct faculty, Mangalore University was the chief guest and the recourse person for the program. Dr.I.R.N.Gowdar given lectures on E-Resources, Research quality indicators and academic writing. Dr.I.R.N.Gowdar In his lectures stressed about collection of journal papers, synopsis writing, Journal publications, selection of good journals for publication and also different E-Resources from where research scholars can get the published journal papers, Ph.D Thesis’s for their research work. The function was presided over by Prof. M.R.Holla, President SVIT Bangalore, a well-known national level academician. During the Precedential address Prof.Holla advised all the faculty members to register for Ph.D. Prof.Holla also addressed the importance of the research activities in the educational institutions. Dr. Ramesh Babu, Principal SVIT and Prof.R .Leeladharesha Professor and head, Civil Engineering Department were the guest of honors. In the faculty development program all the faculty members and research students of SVIT are participated. Dr.M.B.Ananthayya Professor, Department of Civil Engineering was the convener of the Program.