ECE - Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
EEE - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
CSE - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ISE - Department of Information Science and Engineering
ME - Department of Mechanical Engineering
CE - Department of Civil Engineering
MBA - Master of Business Administration
PHY - Department of Physics
CHE - Department of Chemistry
MATH - Department of Mathematics
Activity | Academic Year - 2017-18 | 08 Aug, 2020
EEE - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
CSE - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ISE - Department of Information Science and Engineering
ME - Department of Mechanical Engineering
CE - Department of Civil Engineering
MBA - Master of Business Administration
PHY - Department of Physics
CHE - Department of Chemistry
MATH - Department of Mathematics
Activity | Academic Year - 2017-18 | 08 Aug, 2020

Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bangalore has conducted the awareness programme on Skill on wheels on 22/03/2018 (Venue: SVIT auditorium).With reference to the circular issued by visvesvaraya technological university, Belagavi dated 22/02/2018 (ref no VTU/PS/2018-19/10915), Sai Vidya Institute of technology organized this awareness programme for all the 8th-semester students.
In coordination with trainers from Riit Mysore, awareness about various skill India programs like PMKVY, PMKK is shared with students.
Students from the all the branches participated in this programme.