EEE - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
CSE - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ISE - Department of Information Science and Engineering
ME - Department of Mechanical Engineering
CE - Department of Civil Engineering
M.Tech - VLSI and Embedded Systems
M.Tech - Computer Science
FM - Finance Management
MBA - Master of Business Administration
PHY - Department of Physics
CHE - Department of Chemistry
MATH - Department of Mathematics
Sammilana | Academic Year - 2019-20 | 09 Aug, 2020

Alumni meet of Sai Vidya Institute of Technology was organized at college campus on 25th of January 2020. Alumnus of Different branches was welcomed by the senior faculties and Alumni Coordinators at the main entrance.
The Alumnus did their registrations at the registration desk and was asked to fill Employer Survey and Feedback forms. The Alumnus visited their respective Departments and HODs of the Department educated the Alumnus about the OBE-NBA. Later all the Alumnus gathered in the seminar hall to celebrate the Alumni Meet “SAMMILANA 2020”. The Additional Director, Principal, HODs of all departments and Deans were the dignitaries of the occasion.
Dr Jogish.D, HOD, MBA welcomed the dignitaries and the alumnus. Around 8-10 Alumnus shared their feedback and their experience at SVIT .The Additional Director, Prof A.M Padma Reddy addressed the gathering about the human morale and responsibilities of Alumni.
Dr. Ramesh Babu H S, Principal gave presentation on Outcome Based Education practices which were followed from last few years at SVIT and also gave the brief report on the activities carried out in the college. He also mentioned the importance of College getting Accreditation and contribution of Alumni as a stakeholder.
Prof. T. G. Manjunath, HOD, Dept of EEE rendered Vote of Thanks. Around 200 Alumnus witnessed the Alumni Meet. The whole event was full of energy, and jubilation marked every moment. The Alumnus joined for the Lunch with the faculties in the Boy’s Hostel. Alumni were beaming with warmth towards each other and were extremely happy returning to SVIT.